- Tarot -

Understanding your Fool's Journey

I have been reading Tarot for about 30 years now, and professionally since 2012.  People often say, even years later, how a reading with me changed their lives. 


I use my clairsenses and my psychic intuition as well as empathic senses, coupled with energywork to understand, support and guide you in understanding roots of patterns, perceptions and in creating real, lasting change your life. 


Though I am a psychic and yes, can I read timelines, I'm not a future predictor, though sometimes a forecast can be revealedof potentials and possibilities; how strong energetically something feels to me at the time of the reading may change as your descisions and perspectives change.  However, I remind you, your true power lays in the HERE and NOW.  My goal for you is to deepen your focus into Present Moment Awareness with effective, applicable and powerful tools, perspective shifts and techniques you can use use Right Away to forgive your Authorship and embrace your Hero's Quest, even if it is time to be the fool!

ALL Readings are Inperson or Online & Recorded

The Wheel of Ganesh


20-card spread

-Intuitive Tarot

-Energy Work

-Chaneled Guidance


*Add on a Custom Meditation for just $22


These are LIFE CHANGING readings that I have had Friends and family from 20+ years remember and talk about when I come to visit!


Not only does it explain all the key components you are working with (The Celtic Cross), it has steps to get through whatever you're facing!  Couple that with crystal and energetic support and hold on to your hat!  We can work with anything from Chakra's, to Soul Contracts, Past Lives, or Alternate Strands of perception. These readings usually accelerate you through the toughest life lessons; it's like getting the cheat codes and clues to find all the easter-eggs you hid in your Choose Your Own Adventure Game of Life.


Jessie Starr, an Energy Healer trained in working with Pure Wole Frequency Energy Work, supports you with Energy work, Attunements, as well as Akashic maintanance and Chakra Hygenic support.  These powerful steps tools will help you feel more grounded and connected to your lessons, will assisting you in making the changes you so desire!


The Wheel of Ganesh
( Sales tax and shipping costs not included )

Purchase your reading now and Jessie will email you to schedule!
45-minute Intuitive Tarot Reading, Energywork, Crystal Support and add a Recorded Custom Meditation to support you in deepening your Personal Growth.

Ganesh Spread

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Contact Jessie Today!

Healing Pathwalkers
Portland, OR 

Text Me: 503-504-9334 503-504-9334

E-mail: Jessie@HealingPathwalkers.com

Let me show you how to be your own healer, visionary and guide in your journey!

Learn to walk in your life with Joy and Gratitude!

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