Have you ever experienced Energy Work? I have been using Energy Work for the last ten years and it has transfomed my life. I am my first proof of concept. Crippled by a chronic ankle
injury from youth, I would sprain my ankle every six months to a year always knocking me off my exercise routines. After my first Energy Work session on my ankle in 2011 I have not sprained it
again. It has been strong ever since, and the scar tissue that had built up on the ankle has completely dissappeared.
Since my own work on my body, was so successful I started working on my now ex-husband, who was struggling with recovering from a TBI that resulted in a loss of vission, loss of smell and eventually into a very hard case of Meningitus, leading to more surgeries that resulted in a bone infection in his skull. We were able to treat the infection with Chinese Herbs and Accupunture, but he started having siezures, that were coming more and more frequently, and impacting him more severely. So, with the support of my teacher we worked on his Brain Injury, and the truama to his head from multiple crainiotomies, and years of a leak and infection. And after one session with her, and two with me, he has not had a seizure in eleven years this summer (2022). Not only did he stop having siezures, his zest for life returned, now he is an active, hiker, runner, biker, climber once again, despite his blindness, he is thriving personally, professionally, and emotionally.
He put a lot of that work in himself, and is an incredibly determined self-healer, however Energy Work was the key that changed his life and mine. Ultimately, I find Energy Work is second most powerful tool in my arsenal, my will to recover is my most critical tool, because without it, no amount of energywork, or healing work, or sessions, or attunements, or massages or medications will help me. I must be my most powerful advocate and support to truly recover from anything.
Energy Healing & Attunements
In Readings I use my gifts, Intuition, Channeling, Tarot, Pendulum Dowsing or other skills to bring you the messages coming through for you. While sharing my own understandings, perspectives, tools, & techniques to support and empower you.
Maybe you require physical healing from an injury or illness, and I will support you in nerstaninHere are many examples of sessions I've done.
These are private 1-0n-1 sessions/lessons with Jessie Starr,
Recorded so you can listen again and again as you integrate the knowledge, and learn to master Riding your Wave of Flow.
Want to learn how to do all this for yourself? Ask Jessie about her powerful classes that you take at your rate, from anywhere, anytime!
* All Attunements are customized for you and these are some suggestions of common Attunements.