Welcome! I have built this platform JUST for you!
I'm Jessie Starr, and my highest joy and excitement is supporting you in your Unfolding and Awakening of yourself into your Highest and Greatest of Selves!
I have built so many lenses for you to explore yourself through, experiences to meet others like you, and Classes to train you while you Awaken, support you in your Contracting & Expanding into these new energies and experiences.
As a Journeyman Pathwalker, as a Friend, a Mirror, and a Witness, I will serve as you need while you Awaken to the Gift you came to deliver. We need your gifts!
My job is helping you remember what they are, and how to serve it up to the Creation!
The hardest part of Awakening is the feeling of Isolation.
I lived it, I know. You are not alone!
Check out the First Edition in the Journal Journey's Series by Jessie Starr!
(Click to order your signed copy from Jessie Directly!)Journal Journeys
Arcturian, Hathor, unity consciousness, transformation, galactic kin, star seed, alien, Venutian, galactic consciousness, archangels, coaching, Avian